Why is blogging so important?

Your standard digital marketing package includes 2 blog posts per month - but here's why this content matters!

You’ve probably heard that blogging and posting relevant content is an incredibly useful tool to help increase traffic to your website and your services. Relevant case studies have shown that consistently investing in blogging efforts can significantly increase organic website traffic. In fact, on average, companies that consistently blog produce 67% more leads per month compared to those that don’t. More leads equal more revenue for your property management company.


Make yourself the local industry expert

Having a blog can be a great way to connect with your audience (owners and tenants) and share your knowledge. It’s also a way to establish yourself as an expert in the property management industry!

Targeted SEO Optimized Content

We will create relevant, SEO-optimized property management industry topics and articles, including proper formatting, internal links, external links, and more!

Property Management Industry Writers

Our content writing service eliminates the need to ever hire expensive third-party writers again. We have the largest collection of industry-specific experts at our disposal to write your unique content for you!

We Post It For You

Not only do we upload the post to your blog and add a photo to it, but we also format it so it looks amazing - at no extra charge!

Repurpose and Share Content

We help generate the content for you, and we will share it to your social media accounts!

Content Revisions

We give you control over your content. Accept or reject the proposed content and our team will make revisions for free! You are also welcome to log into the blog back end to make updates anytime you wish.